Chang, K.C., Lin, Y.S., Chen, M.Y., Liu, Y.T., Tsai, W.H., Lee, M.H., and Hung, S.W. (2019). Functional Product Component Analysis Platform. 2019機能性產品商品化策略暨技術成果發表國際研討會。臺北世貿一館,臺北市,臺灣。
Chen, C.C., Chung, Y.T., Cheng, S.H., Wang, Y.P., Chiu, C.C., Wang, M.C., Li, C.L., Hung, Y.C., Lin, C.Y., Chi, T.Y., Lin, C.H., Hsu, M.P., Chou, Y.C., Tsai, W.H., Lin, Y.S., Lee, M.H., Kao, T.T., and *Hung, S.W. (December, 2019). Anti-Aging Efficacy Evaluation Platforms For Functional Crop. 2019 機能性產品商品化策略暨技術成果發表國際研討會。臺北世貿一館,臺北市,臺灣。
Chen, C.C., Lin, Y.S., Liu, Y.T., Lee, M.H., and Hung, S.W. (September, 2019). Facilitating production of rice dreg peptides via lactic acid bacterial fermentation on anti-hypertension efficacy. 2019穀物產業發展國際研討會暨台灣穀物產業發展協會年會。靜宜大學,臺中市,臺灣。
Chen, C.C., Chiu, C.C., Li, C.L., Lin, C.Y., Hung, Y.C., Lee, M.C., and Hung, S.W. (May, 2019). An orthotopic allograft CT-26 colon carcinoma model in BALB/c mice. 第16屆中華民國獸醫學會暨第28屆台灣省畜牧獸醫學會108年度春季學術論文發表會。國立屏東科技大學,屏東縣,臺灣。
Chen, C.C., Chiu, C.C., Li, C.L., Lin, C.Y., Hung, Y.C., Lee, M.C., and Hung, S.W.(May, 2019). Establishment of the orthotopic and ectopic allograft Lewis lung carcinoma models in C57BL/6 mice. 第16屆中華民國獸醫學會暨第28屆台灣省畜牧獸醫學會108年度春季學術論文發表會。國立屏東科技大學,屏東縣,臺灣。
Chi, T.Y., Li, C.L., Tsung, C.S., Chen, C.C., Hung, Y.C., Lin, C.Y., Chiu, C.C., and Hung, S.W. (December,2019). Research and Development of Triple Functional Features of Light-Emitting Diode: A potential therapy for cancer, Degradation of Atmospheric Fine Particulate Matter and Antimicrobial Efficacy. 中華實驗動物學會。第十六屆第一次年會暨三十週年學術研討會。輔仁大學,新北市,臺灣。
Chiu, C.F., Su, Y.H., Lin, C.Y., Park, J.M., Chiu, C.C., Hung, S.W., Chen, H.A., and Huang, M.T. (September, 2019). ERK/Sp1-mediated transcriptional activation of Dicer is involved in pancreatic cancer progression. The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA2019), Kyoto, Japan.
Chiu, C.F., Su, Y.H., Lin, C.Y., Park, J.M., Chiu, C.C., Hung, S.W., Chen, H.A., and Huang, M.T. (December, 2019). Nuclear phosphorylated Dicer contributes to metabolic switch and gemcitabine resistance of pancreatic cancer. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (MBSJ), Tokyo, Japan.
Chiu, C.F., Su, Y.H., Lin, C.Y., Park, J.M., Chiu, C.C., Hung, S.W., Chen, H.A., and Huang, M.T. (September, 2019). Dicer involves in pancreatic cancer progression through ERK/Sp1 transcriptional regulation. The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA2019), Kyoto, Japan
Hsu, T.H., Hung, S.W., Chiu, C.C., and *Wu, C.P. (December,2019). Benefits Effect of the beef extract on chemotherapy-related fatigue in mice.中華實驗動物學會。第十六屆第一次年會暨三十週年學術研討會。輔仁大學,新北市,臺灣。
Hung, S.W., Yang, C.Y., Kao, T.T., Chang, K.C., Lin, Y.S., Lin, H.F., Lu, C.L., Lee, M.H., Lee, Y.L., Tsai, W.H. (2019). Functional Crop: Component Analysis, Efficacy and Toxicology Verification Service Energy in Agricultural Technology Research Institute. 2019機能性產品商品化策略暨技術成果發表國際研討會。臺北世貿一館,臺北市,臺灣。
Hung, R.C., Lin, J.W., Chen, C.C., Tsung, C.S., Chi, T.Y., Li, C.L., Hung, Y.C., Lin, C.Y., Huang, P.M., Chiu, C.C., Fang, W.D., and Hung, S.W. (December,2019). Application of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering System in Surveillance of Swine Bacterial Pathogens. 中華實驗動物學會。第十六屆第一次年會暨三十週年學術研討會。輔仁大學,新北市,臺灣。
Lee, Y.P., Chiu, C.C., Hung, S.W., Chen, T.H., Chuang, H.L., Huang, C.C., and Tai, P.A. (May, 2019). Physiological adaptation of congenital exercise capacity on spinal cord injury model. 第16屆中華民國獸醫學會暨第28屆台灣省畜牧獸醫學會108年度春季學術論文發表會。國立屏東科技大學,屏東縣,臺灣。
Li, M.C., Chen, S.P., and Tsai, H.J. (November, 2019). Serologic Investigation of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Cattle and Goats in Kinmen in 2018. 第16屆中華民國獸醫學會暨第28屆台灣省畜牧獸醫學會108年度秋季學術論文發表會。國立臺灣大學,臺北市,臺灣。
Park, J.M., Lin, C.Y., Chiu, C.C., Hung, S.W., and Chiu, C.F. (September, 2019). Tumor suppressor LKB1 regulate glutamine metabolism in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with gemcitabine resistance. The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA2019), Kyoto, Japan.