Hung, S.W., Chen, P.H., Cyue, Y.L., Hsu, Y.C., Fang, Y.Y., Ku, Y.S., Wu, Y.Z. (2023, December 2). Real-Time Surveillance of Animal Pathogens by Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering System [Poster presentation]. 第17屆中華民國獸醫學會112年度秋季學術論文發表會,國立嘉義大學,嘉義市,臺灣。
Hung, S.W., Chen, P.H., Fang, Y.Y., Wu, Y.Z., Hsu, Y.C., Ku, Y.S., Cyue, Y.L. (2023, December 2). New Generation of Light-Emitting Diodes Technology for Degrading Harmful Substances Applied in Environmental Control of Traditional Meat Stalls or Meat Stores[Poster presentation]. 第17屆中華民國獸醫學會112年度秋季學術論文發表會,國立嘉義大學,嘉義市,臺灣。
Hung, S.W., Cyue, Y.L., Fang, Y.Y., Wu, Y.Z., Hsu, Y.C., Ku, Y.S., Chen, P.H. (2023). Establishment of Rat Model with Spinal Cord Hemisection Injury [Poster presentation]. 112年度秋季學術論文發表會, 第17屆中華民國獸醫學會.
Lee, M.C., Huang, Z.H., Chiang, Y.H., & Chen, S.P.(2023, July 30-August 2). Serologic Investigation of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Pigs in Kinmen from 2020 TO 2022 [Poster presentation]. APVS, Taipei, Taiwan,台北國際會議中心,臺北市,臺灣。
Chang, C.W., Lin, Y.S., Huang, Y.Y., Lin, J.H., and Lee, M.H. (December, 2014). Cloning and expression of hemolysin as a subunit vaccine candidate for Leptospirosis。中華民國獸醫學會暨臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會103年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會。大會手冊暨論文摘要,72。國立中興大學,臺中市,臺灣。
Lee, M.C., Sun, Y.F., & Chen, S.P.(2023, July 30-August 2). Comparison the Specificity of 3 ELISA Kits Used for Foot-and-mouth Disease Virus Nonstructural Protein Serology in Pigs [Poster presentation]. APVS, Taipei, Taiwan,台北國際會議中心,臺北市,臺灣。
Chen, Y.C., Chou, H.N. and Chou, Y.C. (December, 2014). Evaluation of Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Fucoxanthin from Hincksia mitchellae. 中華民國獸醫學會暨臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會103年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會。大會手冊暨論文摘要,73。國立中興大學,臺中市,臺灣。
Liu, Y.C., Hsu, T.W., Su, Y.H., Hung, S.W., & Chiu, C.F. (2023, May 10-17). The Physiological Role of Limonin in Gemcitabine Sensitization of Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma [Poster presentation]. 2023 Teachers and Students Joint Academic Research Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.
Huang, Y.Y., Lin, Y.S., Chang, C.W., Lin, J.H., and Lee, M.H. (December, 2014). Expression of Omp P as a Subunit Vaccine Candidate for Bordetella bronchiseptica. 中華民國獸醫學會暨臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會103年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會。大會手冊暨論文摘要,81。國立中興大學,臺中市,臺灣。
Ming-Chang Lee, Ze-Hui Huang, Yun-Hsuan Chiang, Shih-Ping Chen (2023, December 2). Serologic Investigation of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Pigs and Ruminants in Kinmen in 2022 [海報發表]。中華民國獸醫學會112年度秋季學術論文發表會,國立嘉義大學獸醫學系,嘉義市,臺灣。
Lin, Y.J., Sun, Y.L., Huang, B.S., Lee, M.H., and Yen, C.H. ( December, 2014). Production and Characterization of anti-LipL32 Monoclonal Antibodies for the Detection of Leptospirosis. 中華民國獸醫學會暨臺灣省畜牧獸醫學會103年度聯合年會暨學術論文發表會。大會手冊暨論文摘要,71。國立中興大學,臺中市,臺灣。
Yang, H.Y., Chang, Y.C., Chang, Y.S., Huang, W.C., Chiu, C.C., Chiu, C-F., Hung, S.W., Yang, S.S., & Chuang, H.L. (2023, May 10-17). Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 gene polymorphism Exacerbated Non alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease [Poster presentation]. 2023 Teachers and Students Joint Academic Research Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.